In Wells' Time

The newest novel

In Wells' Time (Unsolicited Press, 2024) is the story of a cursed, time-stealing life and a family’s journey to understand the brother who lived it. 


"Familial storytelling that's nuanced and thoughtful. A deeply personal and quietly tragic novel that pokes and prods at the reader, pushing them to question how they're using their time and whether they're living life to the fullest." - LE Schwaller

The Man in the Pines (Ten16 Press, 2020)

The first novel

The Man in the Pines is the reimagined life story of the famous American folk legend, Paul Bunyan. It is a tale of demi-god strength, love lost, hubris, and destruction. It is a story of conservation and, hopefully, redemption. It is the life of Paul Bunyan you've never heard before. 

"I wept through some of the passages in which he describes other particular losses, and I especially appreciated Nash’s sensitivity in his portrayal of Bunyan’s relationship with his beloved friend, Babe..."

- Carole Mertz, Portage Magazine

The Man in the Pines (Audiobook)

Read by the author (me)

For all of you audiophiles out there. This was recorded, mastered, and read by me. Find a special musical performance at the end of the reading as well.

Short Fiction - "Catatonic Survival"

short story by David Nash and L.E. Scwhaller

In this anthology published by Dead Birds Publishing, LE Scwhaller and I team up for a piece of dark fiction that takes the pitfalls of toxic social media and self deprication to a new level. The entire anthology is a fun collection well worth reading. 

for the musically inclined...

just Look at that serious guy

All of my music is available for download via bandcamp.